Thursday, 29 January 2009

NinjaBackup by Ninjalandirate

This is a utility i made to back up the C drive to the D drive.

- Backup speed is drastically improved.
- improved menu system.
- Adition of an about menu
- Adition of an instuction page.
- Voice guidance and notification. (English only-sorry)
- On screen notification of activity, (Instead of blank screen!)

Check it out HERE
Developers with m-shell installed should in stall the smaller file.
Standard users install the larger file.

check out the PF thread HERE

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

The Silencer by Ninjalandpirate

I made a standalone app in M-shel to switch the phone to silent. It is pretty pointless on it's own but combined with Best GSM Navigator will enable the user to switch their phone to silent when entering certain areas such as the office or school.

if your not a member of persian forums sort it out! by clicking HERE

check out the post here

also if anyone want this app uploaded here they will have to request it! show me some love!

This blog and it's posts are recommended for your health by a source of all things geek based including: knowlege, wisdom, tips, news and tricks, so check it out!

Style tap loader

Styletap is a Palm os emulator for many system including uiq3, it's only in trial mode but with full function, check out my post on persian forums (if your not a member by now your just not serious are you?!) and get a slice of the action.

It allows indefinate use of the software.
Check it out

Thursday, 15 January 2009

UIQ3 HandyWi (war driving! (well kinda))

Check out (on your mobile browser).

This is an app that can be set up to periodically scan, connect AND open the web browser all without u doing a thing!!!! excellent!!!

An alert sound of your choice can be set, to let you know when a free wifi spot is detected. This is really handy for those of you in busy towns, what is great, as well is that you can set it to auto-scan and then just forget your were ever scanning for free wifi. Previously one would have had to keep pressing scan then looking, this is completely automated wifi stealing excellence enjoi!

Sunday, 11 January 2009

UIQ3 autostart on any app

This is an app that allows you to open a SIS file and change it so that it will auto start on your phone, for those people that dont have Bootman. i have not investgated this but i thought that maybe having your favorite apps modded to auto start may use less ram on start than using bootman.

1. Need SIS Contents app - link: Download it!
2. Open SIS file with SIS Contents
3. Tools - Edit Package and click Contents button
4. Add application exe 4 capabilities: ReadDeviceData, WriteDeviceData, ReadUserData, WriteUserData [THIS IS MINIMUM CAPABILITIES]
5. Open notepad, and write app name eg.: AutoCam.exe and save as to AutoCam.ast
6. SIS Contents Click Content button and click Add Entry - Add file Entry
7. Choose AutoCam.ast - Target: c:\private\10274b9f\import\AutoCam.ast
8. OK and Save as SIS File...

Screen shots can be found on the Persian-forums site check it out

Thanks to gabika for this post on Persian, link here if you not already a member then sign up its the most comprehensive UIQ3 forum i have found.

Thursday, 8 January 2009

UIQ3 mixed firmwares, or modified fw

Check out se-nse for a thread on mixed fw. this process has apparently birthed the w1(p1+w960). Sounds awesome huh, but don't get too excited it's early days yet, with apprehensive users not wanting to risk brick town!

lets hope we get some succsessfull attempts.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Woo christmas and new year over! time to Twibble

Well! Happy new year every one. Im sorry to all the people that visit daily and theres no new treats, we all know christmas and the lead up to it can be crazy. but im sure you dont want to know about that. so heres a little treat.

For all of you that use twitter an excellent twitter client called Twibble (java)
just visit the main site here or go to on your mobile's browser.

its really a very good app let me know what your think with some feedback on here.
Screen shots are here

For those lucky gits with s60 devices it also allows you to update and share your location via gps.