Sunday, 11 January 2009

UIQ3 autostart on any app

This is an app that allows you to open a SIS file and change it so that it will auto start on your phone, for those people that dont have Bootman. i have not investgated this but i thought that maybe having your favorite apps modded to auto start may use less ram on start than using bootman.

1. Need SIS Contents app - link: Download it!
2. Open SIS file with SIS Contents
3. Tools - Edit Package and click Contents button
4. Add application exe 4 capabilities: ReadDeviceData, WriteDeviceData, ReadUserData, WriteUserData [THIS IS MINIMUM CAPABILITIES]
5. Open notepad, and write app name eg.: AutoCam.exe and save as to AutoCam.ast
6. SIS Contents Click Content button and click Add Entry - Add file Entry
7. Choose AutoCam.ast - Target: c:\private\10274b9f\import\AutoCam.ast
8. OK and Save as SIS File...

Screen shots can be found on the Persian-forums site check it out

Thanks to gabika for this post on Persian, link here if you not already a member then sign up its the most comprehensive UIQ3 forum i have found.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tnx bro
very very useful